Announcement: Thank you for your participation in the 17th Bright Leaf Agriculture Journalism Awards.


Agriculture Journalism Awards

Illuminating Change

Awards Night and Winners' Announcement Countdown

Classify your work

Contest Categories

Choose the category that best represents your work.
Follow the instructions carefully before submission. Good luck!

Submit Entry

Winners' Lounge

Discover a golden harvest of the very best of agriculture journalism from past to present.

2023 Tobacco Photo of the Year
"Gold Harvest"
Wilfredo Lomibao of Sunday Punch
2023 Agriculture Photo of the Year
"Weaving A Bright Future With Water Hyacinth"
Rhoy Cobilla of Edge Davao
2022 Agriculture Photo of the Year
"The Hardwork of Dawn"
Rhoy Cobilla of Davao Edge

Contest Guide

All the submission requirements and instructions, all in one place. 

Bright Leaf Awards in the News


Browse all press releases

In 2024, the Bright Leaf Agriculture Journalism Awards Shines A New Light

March 10, 2024
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17th Bright Leaf Agri Journalism Awards Now Open For Entries

March 10, 2024
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Bright Leaf Agriculture Journalism Awards Shines A New Light In 2024

March 5, 2024
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16th Bright Leaf Awards, Pasiknangan Ing Pamagbalita Dikil King Agrikultura

March 9, 2023
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Look! Media briefing of the 16th Bright Leaf Agriculture Journalism Awards (Harvesting Progress) today March 8, 2023 at Prism Lounge, Widus Hotel, Clark Free Port Zone

March 8, 2023
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Frequently asked questions

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  • Why is it called Bright Leaf Awards?

    Bright Leaf is the name given to Virginia Tobacco because it turns into a vivid yellow when it is cured with intense heat.  It is the variant of choice for tobacco manufacturers. Since the Bright Leaf Awards are given to outstanding journalists, then it is just fitting that it be named after the high-quality leaf variant.

  • How do small, local publications fare against larger national publications?

    Everyone has an equal chance of winning.

  • Is there a limit on how many submissions we can enter?

    No. You can send as many entries as possible, but an entry can only be submitted in one category.

  • Do paid advertisements qualify as entries?

    No. We aim to maintain unbiased, credible, and objective entries.

  • Can big files be sent through as media files?

    Yes. As long as we can download it, it is allowed.

  • Does material produced in the local dialect require an English translation?

    Yes. It does not need to be verbatim. Just ensure that the translation captures the message and important aspects of the material.

  • Do the entries have to be about tobacco?

    No. While there are specific categories for tobacco stories and photos, there are also more general categories for agriculture stories—whether these are feature or news articles.

  • Do you accept last-minute entries? Is there a cut-off time?

    As long as these are submitted within the deadline, that is, by 11:59 PM on September 1, 2024, these will be accepted.

  • What areas of agriculture are accepted as entries?

    All areas or anything focused on agriculture like farming, fishery, aquaculture, livestock, and the like.

  • How do we know if our entries are qualified?

    An email acknowledging the receipt of your entry will be sent. If any requirements are missing, the Secretariat will contact you either via email or phone call. Winners will be notified and announced at the awards night in November 2024. For any questions about your entry, feel free to call the secretariat.

  • Are there limitations to the topics of the entries? Do the stories have to be positive? How about material dealing with issues concerning government or private organizations?

    Bright Leaf welcomes entries covering a wide range of topics or issues that focus on the agriculture industry.

  • Are students eligible to enter Bright Leaf?

    No. The competition is strictly open to Filipino professional journalists aged 18 and above only.

  • Can an entry with multiple authors be submitted? How will the prize be divided?

    Yes. The sharing of the prize will be at the discretion of the winners.

  • What happens if an entry turns out to be plagiarized?

    We trust in the integrity of the owner of the material and the integrity of the publication. If Bright Leaf is informed that an entry is fraudulent in any way, this will be investigated and the necessary actions shall be taken.

  • What are the guidelines for the length of print articles, TV and radio entries?

    There is no minimum or maximum length for entries for any of the categories.

Print Entries

  • What if a particular entry was published in both a regional and national newspaper? Which category does it fall under?

    You will need to choose which category, as a single entry can be submitted in only one category.

  • Will the name of the publication influence the judging somehow?

    No. All entries adhere to a uniform format, and owners or publications are not identified.

  • Can an article be submitted if it was published several years ago and is re-published during the qualifying period?

    Yes. Provided that the material is updated with new information as a current news event.

  • If an article is published in a local paper and picked up in a national daily, can it be entered under the regional category?

    Yes. In this case, what you will submit as the proof of publication is the regional paper.

  • What if we cannot acquire a copy of the proof of publication?

    Journalists can seek the assistance of their editors to secure the published copy.

  • Is the actual hard copy of the proof of publication required?

    No. A clear and legible scanned copy or photo of the printed newspaper will be accepted.

  • Why does the format need to be in MS Word?

    All entries are required to adhere to a standardized format, specifically a Word document devoid of any identifying marks, including the writer’s name or publication title. This protocol is in place to maintain the impartiality of the judging process. The proof of publication, which discloses the owner’s identity, is solely intended for the Bright Leaf secretariat. Their role is limited to evaluating entries for completeness, and they do not participate in any form of judging.

  • Can we use the name of the entry as the file name itself?

    Yes. This is highly encouraged. As a reminder, please do not put any identifying marks or your names on the jpeg of the photos or the Word document of the articles.

  • If an article is printed with a photo, can you enter both?

    Yes. You may enter the story under the news or features category and the photo under the photo category.

  • Will print entries with photos have an advantage over print-only entries?

    No. The print material will be judged in a neutral format devoid of any images.

Radio and TV Entries

  • Do special reports, news features, and plain reporting on radio and TV qualify?

    Yes. Special reports, news features, and news reports qualify. For these types of radio entries, the specific segment on agriculture is the entry, there is no need to submit the full news program.

  • Is there a separate category for Regional Radio and TV?

    None. The Radio and TV categories cover both regional or national news.

  • Can agriculture news stories presented as dramatizations be submitted?

    Yes. Provided that the stories are actual news and not fictional and aired during the qualifying period.

  • How do we submit broadcast files? On a CD or USB?

    Yes. You can submit a USB or CD of the TOA via courier to the secretariat office. If the broadcast is not in English, please provide an English translation. Alternatively, you may also submit online by attaching your files via Dropbox.

  • Is there a maximum length for radio entries?

    There is no minimum or maximum length for both radio and TV entries. You can submit either the entire program or just a segment of it.

Photo Entries

  • Can the secretariat print our photos if we are having difficulty sending them?

    Yes. Simply send us the high-resolution files of the photos, and we will handle the printing.

  • Are photos from mobile phones eligible for submission?

    Yes. As long as the entry has been published and all other requirements are fulfilled.

  • Can we submit photos with women?

    Yes. However, please note that photos featuring minors regardless of gender, will be disqualified. We do not support child labor as we believe that children belong in school and are entitled to a proper education.

  • Can photos published in black & white be entered?


  • Do we include captions on photo entries?

    There should be no captions or watermarks on the photo entries. The title of the photo should be indicated in the Entry Form.

  • Why are photos required to be a certain size/resolution?

    All photos must be the same size and specs as they are printed for both judging and exhibit purposes.

  • Does the size of the actual published photo matter?

    No. As long as the photo is published and you submit proof of publication.