Announcement: Thank you for your participation in the 17th Bright Leaf Agriculture Journalism Awards.

Kakao Eskuwela: Cacao Check 5 & 6

by: Kenneth Bajo of Sky Cable / DE Channel 32
2013 Best Agriculture TV Program or Segment


Janoz: Good morning, good morning, Mindanao! Maayong Aga to our Illonggo listeners, and to you, good morning Mae!

Mae: Good morning also to you, Kuya Janoz, and good morning to all our listeners.

Janoz: Good morning to all our enrollees as well. Those who are located in Davao del Sur, Davao city and even in Davao Oriental, we also have enrollees there. We are also greeting our colleagues who are leaving this morning for Indonesia, to learn about the latest technologies of cacao growing in Indonesia.

Mae: Wow, that’s really a good experience, Kuya Janoz.

Janoz: How about you, Mae? Do you have anyone else to greet?

Mae: Thanks for that, Kuya Janoz. I would like to greet our students in Kakao Eskwela. They really look forward and listen to our show, every morning, every 4:30AM to 5:00AM.


Kuya Janoz 1

Good greetings to our avid listeners. We’re here once again for another session of School-on-Air.

Mae, we’ll continue with our discussion about establishing our Kakao farm/plantation. During the previous session, we’ve discussed Key Checks 3 and 4, using the Kakaw Check system that was made by ACDI/VOCA for the CoCoPal Farming Systems Project.

Mae 2

This is a guideline and also one of the first steps needed to ensure the success of the cacao product in the Philippines. This system has 10 Key Checks – from establishing the kakao farm/plantation, to ways in harvesting, and finally to the storage of seeds for selling.

Kuya Janoz 3

Yes… and our recommendation is to follow the guidelines or system

in the 10 Key Checks for kakao farming. Each key check provides ways on how to execute it and it also has recommendations on achieving these Key Checks.

Mae 4

Let’s review this briefly, Kuya Janoz?

Cacao Key Check 1 is: The budwood garden is established and the nursery is properly put up. We were able to understand that we cannot just buy or get Kakao seeds. These seeds should be approved by the NSIC.

Kuya Janoz 5

And in Key Check 2, we’ve discussed the rehabilitation or restoration of withered and old kakao trees, including those that have small produce or those affected by pests.

Mae 6

For Key Check 3, Kuya Janoz, we gave our listeners information about what kind of clones are of good quality so that they could have an abundant harvest and a good produce.

Kuya Janoz 7

That’s right Mae. Lastly, for Key Check 4, we educated our farmers on proper land preparation so that they can plant and grow healthy kakao trees.

So, for those who weren’t able to follow the discussion, please text the keywords CACAO KC 1 up to CACAO KC 4 so that you can review our previous lessons. Send this to our hotline number and save these hotline numbers: 0917 609 3536 (Globe), 0908 390 3536 (Smart) and 0943 526 1536 (Sun).

Mae 8

For other inquiries – please text these to our hotline numbers – we will do our best to answer as soon as we receive your questions. Again, please note and save these hotline numbers: 0917 609 3536 (Globe), 0908 390 3536 (Smart), and 0943 526 1536 (Sun)

Kuya Janoz 9

Now, our lesson is already on CACAO KEY CHECK 5 and 6. Let’s start on Key Check 5, which will discuss about how you can do proper mulching and watering.

Mae 10

Does mulching and watering contribute much for the soil? What results can we get if we will do this the proper way, Kuya Janoz?

Kuya Janoz 11

Thank you for that question, Mae. Our kakao plant can certainly grow well if mulch and water the proper way. First,

This can maintain the right moisture of the soil
It will help in cooling the plant
And it will help contribute in making the soil healthier for planting

If you notice, these three are the most basic requirements that plants need.

Mae 12

So, kakao also needs these. Let’s repeat it, kuya? Mulching and watering in the proper way can give the following benefits:

Maintain the right moisture of the soil
Help in cooling the plant
Contribute in making the soil more healthy for planting

Kuya Janoz, what is proper mulching? And what is mulching?

Kuya Janoz 13

Ok Mae, also for our friends and listeners, mulching is the process of putting a soil covering so you can ensure to maintain the right moisture for the soil. These should be noted:

For the newly planted clones, dried grass, grain leaves, and coconut husks are the things needed for mulching.
Second, we must be reminded that when we mulch in a red soil or ferrasols, pests will affect it likely.

Mae 14

Is that so? Then, what should be done about this Kuya janoz to ensure that the plants will not be damaged?

Kuya Janoz 15

The good thing is we don’t have to worry if this happens because there is a solution. Here they are:

Regular pruning and getting rid of the dead branches will help stop pests.
For additional pest control, it’s also good to plant cassava trees and regularly check it and remove any pests found.
Third, it’s also good to spray good quality chemicals or insecticide.

Mae 16

Good to know that there are many solutions that our farmers can do to stop these pests. Thank you for the tips, Kuya Janoz.

Let’s move on about watering. What are your tips regarding this, kuya Janoz?

Kuya Janoz 17

That is definitely the next thing we will discuss about, Mae. These are the things that should be noted when watering:

Apply a half liter of water for each plant.
This should be done everyday, or twice each day during dry seasons.

These seeds that are only less than 12 months old are usually prone to being affected by lack of water, so this should be given priority.

Mae 18

Yes, and let’s not forget, and we should write this in our checkbook, listeners:

Watering half a liter everyday. And watering twice each day during dry seasons.

Kuya Janoz 19

So that’s all for our Key Check 5, Mae.

Mae 20

Key Check 5 was a short discussion. Let’s repeat it Kuya Janoz.

Ensure that our kakao does not dry by mulching or covering the surface with dried grass, grain leaves, or coconut husk, or anything organic.
Second, watering should be done everyday, applying a half liter of water, and twice each day during dry seasons.

Because this will:

Maintain the proper moisture of the soil
Help cool the plant
Help to contribute for a healthy soil

And so that pests will not be able to affect the plants:

Regular pruning and branching out dead branches can help stop pests.
For additional pest control, it can also be good to plant cassava trees then regularly check it and remove pests
Third, it’s also good to spray good quality chemicals or insecticides.

Kuya Janoz 21

For a review, you can text via our hotline numbers for Key Check 5. Just type CACAO KC5 to our hotline numbers.


Mae 22

And now, for our Key Check 6, let’s discuss about Pruning and Shade Management. Why is this important, Kuya Janoz?

Kuya Janoz 23

Pruning is the removing of the damaged leaves and branches so that the whole tree will not be affected. It is also important to shade our kakao plants.

The bases for pruning:


Those are the bases for the plant before starting the pruning process. Pruning will help in balancing the nutrients for the pods. So, this should be even out, Mae.

Mae 24

So, that’s it? It is important to base pruning by the shape, size and length of the plant.

How about during the actual pruning process, Kuya Janoz, what are the things we should note?

Kuya janoz 25

These are the other important tips in pruning:

Start pruning in a tree that’s at least three months old
Pruning should be done regularly, especially when there’s a water shoot. This should be removed.
Support the planted clones with sticks.

Mae 26

It’s not that difficult I guess, Kuya Janoz? Let’s note:

The tree/plant should be three months old already
Regular pruning especially if there’s a water shoot. This should be removed.
Support the planted clones with sticks

Kuya janoz 27

Not only that, Mae. There are other things that should be noted. We have four ways of pruning.

Mae 28

Is that so? What are these ways, Kuya Janoz?

Kuya Janoz

These are the ways of pruning:

Height Control
Sanitation or Internal Pruning

Mae 29

Thank you Kuya Janoz. Let’s repeat these four ways of pruning:

Height Control
Sanitation or Internal Pruning

Can you give us additional information on this? How do you determine the kind of pruning that is needed?

Kuya Janoz 30

Let’s continue with that, Mae.

Example, for pod-bearing cacao trees. Height Control pruning should be done during the month of April until May before it starts to bud, and after the crops has been grown. This is done to regularly maintain the canopy’s height to 2.5-3 meters.
The internal canopy pruning must be done at a right time of Height Control, as this will increase the air flow and light penetration inside the pod and the buds in the branches made.
It’ll be good to do the Skirting from November to January after the main harvest, to ensure that the Cacao Trees adjoin and do not separate from each other, especially when talking about lighting.

And as soon as water shoots are noticed, remove this right away.

Mae 31

Thank you for that tips for Height Control and Skirting, Kuya Janoz. How about Sanitation or Internal Pruning and Tipping, what are the things that should be noted?

Kuya Janoz 32

These are the other helpful information:

For cacao trees that are not yet mature, the seed, removal of water shoots should be done every month. The removing of water shoots is the Sanitation.
Then, staking and tying—wherein this will contribute to the proper growth of the main branch. This is done when the branch is already growing up to 70cm or more.
Tipping will then follow within three to six months.
Those planted in the yard, wherein branches are usually cut out again, so that it’ll be a 3 or 4 side branch. This is to develop a 360-degree formation.
Lastly, Shaping and formation pruning, to give the complete cycle every 3 months.

Mae 33

That’s quite a lot right there. Let’s repeat it to learn it well:

For pod-bearing cacao trees, the Height Control pruning must be done on the month of April until May before it buds, and after the crops has been grown. This is done to regularly maintain the canopy’s height to 2.5-3 meters.
The internal canopy pruning must be done at a right time of Height Control, as this will increase the air flow and light penetration inside the pod and the buds in the branches made.
It’ll be good to do the Skirting from November to January after the main harvest, to ensure that the Cacao Trees adjoin and do not separate from each other, especially when talking about lightning.
For cacao trees that are not yet mature, the seed, removal of water shoots should be done every month. The removing of water shoots is the Sanitation.
Then, staking and tying—wherein this will contribute to the proper growth of the main branch. This is done when the branch is already growing up to 70cm or more.
Tipping will then follow within three to six months.
Those planted in the yard, wherein branches are usually cut out again, so that it’ll be a 3 or 4 side branch. This is to develop a 360-degree formation.
Lastly, Shaping and formation pruning, to give the complete cycle every 3 months.

Kuya Janoz 34

That is right, Mae. You can also text Key Check 6, just type the keywork CACAOKC6 and send it to our hotline numbers to review our guidelines.

Mae 35

Now, what’s next, Kuya Janoz? Can that give us time for a break already?

Kuya Janoz 36

Hahaha, not yet Mae, but we’re close to that.

The canopy should be able to make a good growth of its branches, pruning is regularly done, and deformed branches and pests should be gone. But there’s still one thing that must be noted about pruning..this will be the last.

Mae 37

What is that Kuya Janoz?

Kuya Janoz 38

For our farmers, take note to not do over-pruning.

Mae 39

Over pruning? What is that?

Kuya Janoz 40

Those low and dropping branches, these are the only ones that must be pruned and skirted to open the tree for ventilation. This is the basic and effective way of pod development.

Although pruning can be done during the whole year, but only on those low and dropping branches, not to forget also the symmetry or balancing of the plant tree.

Mae 41

Oh, ok. Let me repeat that.

Only the low and dropping branches must be pruned and skirted to open the tree for ventilation.

What are the other things that we should note, Kuya Janoz?

Kuya Janoz 42

We should not forget the plant trees, especially the small ones, they should have a proper shade.

For the shade, we recommend those net materials only, as it will not be good if the plants are too shaded because sunlight can also contribute to the kakao to yield produce.

Mae 43

Ok. So that’s it for the Key Check 6 Kuya Janoz?

Kuya Janoz 44

Yes, Mae. We’ve discussed Key Check 5 which is Mulching and Watering, then Key Check 6 which is Pruning and Shade Management.

Mae 45

Ok. For more information, just text us on our hotline numbers. Please save these numbers on your cellphones.


Mae 46

It’s time for our CoCoPal Question of the day.

Kuya Janoz 47

Yes, Mae! We will be giving again a cap to the first one who can answer our question correctly.

Only those who are registered to our CoCoPal Text Information can answer… so those who are not enrolled yet, enrol now! The beneficiaries and families of the CoCoPal Project can not take part of this promo.

Mae 48

This is a race to be the first texter, so prepare your cellphones and text your answer to our hotline numbers.

Kuya Janos 49

The CoCoPal Question of the Day –

What is the process called wherein you remove the damaged or useless branches and leaves of the kakao?

Mae 50

Friends, text now!


Mae 51

To our students, thank you, thank you for waking up early. Let’s also listen to our Kakaw Eskwela. And of course, Kuya Janoz Laquihon will be with us, from the ACDI/VOCA, to help us learn the proper things in growing, sustaining, and harvesting of Cacao.

Good morning to all of you!

Kuya Janoz 52

In behalf of ACDI/VOCA and USDA, with Mae, This is Janoz Laquihon saying, to God be the glory.

– END –